The Secret Garden Ball
It’s literally legendary! A giant scale puppet show for tamariki with magical glow-in-the-dark characters from Māori myth and legend. This innovative, cutting edge concept features 40+ glow-in-the-dark puppets under ultraviolet light in a black box theatre environment. Rich in Te Reo Māori, it’s an upbeat 45-minute show with catchy music that has the audience buzzing from the onset. There’s an abundance of educational content to unpack with a Q&A session afterwards and resources online at In an ALL NEW SHOW for 2020 we’re going under the sea! A courageous Kina goes on a journey of discovery across the Pacific to Aotearoa. Helped by Hiwa-i-te-rangi she meets many delightful (and not so delightful!) characters. He waka eke noa– we’re all in this together!
TE MOANA GLOW SHOW will be at Te Ahu, KAITAIA, September
TE MOANA GLOW SHOW will be at Te Ahu, KAITAIA, September 28/29!SEPT/OCT SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!10.00am & 11:30am on 28th, 10am only on 29th – 2 days only, don’t miss out!Show is 45 mins long with a Q&A afterwards – meet the actors! Tickets $10.50pp + fees (adult same price as child)! Book at Group Bookings (10+) or Schools’ Invoicing call TICKETEK PREMIUM (09) 307-5058You can email us for more information at