Northern Comedy Exposure Roadshow – Aaron Beard, Nick Rado, Dave McCartney

Saturday, April 16th
Starts: 7.30pm
Te Ahu Community Hall
Bookings: $25 Kaitaia i-Site, plus door sales
Call 09 408 9450 or Email
Recommended for ages 14 years or older

‘Comedy Gold in association with Te Ahu Charitable Trust proudly present the second incarnation of ‘The Northern Exposure Comedy Roadshow’. Three juggernauts of the professional comedy circuit will be actively engaged in tickling your fancy and tweaking your funny bones. Our MC for the night is none other than the Far North’s favourite son Aaron Beard. Hailing from Kaitaia, Aaron’s got an awkward story about everything, and a slightly uncomfortable story for everyone else. He’s a former member of New Zealand’s first professional ‘Improv’ troop ‘Con Artists’, former President of the NZ Comedy Guild and is a regular on NZ television. He has appeared on everything from ‘Shortland Street’ to ‘The Real Hustle’ and he tries his best to be the kind of guy blokes want to be like and women want to be liked by. So far he’s managed to be the kind of guy IRD would like to talk to, but hey…. baby steps!

Dave McCartney has recently been crushing every show he has performed at and it’s brought him to the attention of comedy bookers from all over the country. Lightning fast delivery and razor sharp punchlines make him a comedic force to be reckoned with. This is his first tour in Northland and he plans on putting his 1/32 Maori ancestry to good use by going into ‘Mining’ of the land. Which as I understand it, is basically seeing a property you like and putting a land claim in by pointing and saying loudly ‘That’s mine…’

Finally, our feature performer for the evening is the inimitable Nick Rado. Nick is one of the comedy elite working tirelessly as the head writer for 7 days and a host of other TV shows. He’s a regular award winner at the NZ Comedy Guild, including multiple wins for ‘Best MC’ and he has performed all over the world including some of the biggest theaters in the UK, Europe and Asia. In boxing terms, Nick is the heavy weight champion of comedy, I don’t mean he likes wearing silk shorts and fighting over a purse… I mean his jokes float like laughing butterflies and his punchlines sting like comedic bees. 

This is going to be a great show and is sure to be the best $25 you’ve spent all year. Come out and support local events at your local venue and enjoy the rip snorting giggle-fest on offer! We’ll see you there! Huzzah!’


Corner of Mathews Avenue and
South Road (SH1)
Kaitaia, New Zealand
Phone: 09 408 9453


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