Little Theatre
Another part of the original Far North Community Centre, the Little Theatre was refurbished to double as a Cinema, with a fully digital system.
The Little Theatre has fixed seating accommodating 110 people with the ground floor area immediately in front of the stage flexible to accommodate more seating and / or wheelchairs, walking frames. Can be used in conjunction with the Kiosk from where tickets and food can be sold.
A changing facility for men and women is located to the rear of and behind the stage that comes with two toilets and bench space including mirrors suitable for the preparation of performers before going on stage.
The stage can be set up with special lighting and sound equipment for performance purposes. Includes a baby grand piano although permission must be sought by the owners to use.
Comes with a separate Projector Booth located includes a digital projector as used with the Cinema operation. The projector is multi-functional and is compatible with other connectivity devices.