Author Archives: Mark Osborne

Anika Moa: Songs for Bubbas

Thursday 8th October 2020
10 am – 11 am
Te Ahu Main Hall

Tickets available at Te Ahu Cafe Mon-Fri 9am-2pm

Batten down the hatches, the Hullabaloo Children’s Arts Festival is heading to Northland this October with a fun-packed programme of silliness and laughter. This festival is for the kids and the young-at-heart, dancing is compulsory, giggling is unavoidable…you have been warned!
This exciting new festival runs from Monday 5th October (School Holidays) until Sunday 25th October (Labour Weekend) and will present some of New Zealand’s most popular kids and family entertainers including Anika Moa, Captain Festus McBoyle and Chris Sanders of Angel Star. There will be puppet shows from the Magic Playhouse, theatre productions and outdoor movies on the biggest screen in the land!
Festival Director, Jackie Sanders says that the Hullabaloo Children’s Arts Festival is an opportunity for families to have some fun together. “Given the difficult year we have all had, we wanted to create something special for kids. It is important to bring these experiences to regions that often miss out and so we are excited that the very first festival will be in the Far North.”
Hullabaloo will have its hub in Waitangi at the Waitaha Events Centre, but the festival is also heading out on the road. Jackie Sanders explains “Our aim is to encourage the domestic family market to make Northland the destination of choice during the School Holidays and Labour Weekend, it has been a tough time for local tourism as well as our event industry. There are hundreds of things to see and do in Northland for families, we have shows all around the region and in venues such as The Pioneer Village, giving people a chance to explore.”

We also want to make sure all Northlanders have easy access to these great events so we
have programmed shows in Kaitaia, Totara North, Kerikeri and Kaikohe This has been made
possible by fantastic support of the local Community Boards a nd Far North District Council.”
have also introduced a Pay It Forward option, where people can donate a ticket
to a family that might not be able to afford it. “Regardless of the current situation,
Northland hashas oneone ofof thethe highesthighest povertypoverty ratesrates inin NewNew Zealand.Zealand. WeWe havehave keptkept ourour pricesprices asas lowlow asas possiblepossible,, butbut itit maymay stillstill bebe outout ofof reachreach forfor manymany ofof ourour families.families. EachEach donationdonation viavia ourour PayPay ItIt ForwardForward optionoption willwill becomebecome aa ticketticket whichwhich willwill bebe givengiven toto aa locallocal familyfamily whowho otherwiseotherwise wouldwould notnot bebe ableable toto attend.attend. HullabalooHullabaloo hashas contributedcontributed 5050 ticketstickets toto kickkick–startstart thethe programmeprogramme andand wewe hopehope thatthat companiescompanies oror individualsindividuals willwill contributecontribute asas wellwell.”.”
Hullabaloo Children’sChildren’s ArtsArts FestivalFestival isis onon salesale nownow viavia Eventfinda.Eventfinda.

For furtherfurther Info,Info, artistartist interviewsinterviews oror highhigh resres images,images, pleaseplease contactcontact
Jackie SandersSanders //// FestivalFestival DirectorDirector
M: +64+64 2121 3737 3737 3939 ////


Corner of Mathews Avenue and
South Road (SH1)
Kaitaia, New Zealand
Phone: 09 408 9453


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